




All great ideas, the races' aspirations 

All heroism, deeds of rapt enthusiasts,

Be ye my Gods.


Or Time and Space

Or shape of earth divine and wondrous,

Or some fair shape I viewing, worship,

Or lustrous orb of sun or star by night,

Be ye my Gods.


From 'Gods' by Walt Whitman (1819-1892)

A thin Red Line


"Then it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' 'Tommy, 'ow's yer soul?' 

But it's 'Thin red line of 'eroes' when the drums begin to roll,"  


Rudyard Kipling on how society looks down on the military until "society" needs to be defended


It is said that before pre-production began, director Terrence Malick walked on foot across the entire southwest, stopping periodically to call producers  Geisler and  Hill to talk about the meaning of the movie. 'The Thin Red Line'.


ونوشه در گویش مردمان شمال ایران همان بنفشه است. در زبان فارسی مثلی است که می گوید: "هر گلی بویی دارد." و می توان افزود که هر گل نیز بویی متفاوت برای افراد متفاوت دارد.

ونوشه می خواهد جایگاهی باشد برای تبادل آراء و اندیشه هایی که با دیدن فیلمی، کتابی ویا شعری کوتاه حاصل می شود. بویی دل انگیز از گلی زیبا.  


 Dans le dialecte du peuple du Nord d'Iran, Vanoushe signifie Violette. Il y a un proverbe persan qui dit, "un arôme pour chaque fleur." On peut dire que chaque fleur peut avoir un arôme différent pour des hommes différents.

Et Vanoushe veut être le lieu de partager des avis résultant d'un film, d'un livre et même d'un court poème et sera contente si vous lui permettez de profiter des arômes agréables que vous sentez  dans le monde de l'art.


Hi There!

In the dialect of the people of northern Iran, Vanushe means Violet. There is a proverb in Persian which reads, "Each flower has its own fragrance." We can probably add that each flower can have a certain fragrance to any certain person who smells it.

Vanushe would like to be a place to exchange ideas any of us may have, on a movie, a book, a short poem, etc. Let's share any fragrance we may smell, encountering a piece of Art in our own private lives.